Chapter Six

Fitting Hoof Boots

Chapter Seven

Booting Different Sized Horses

Chapter Eight

Using Hoof Boots for Rehabilitation

Using hoof boots for rehabilitation - Laminitis

A horse diagnosed with laminitis requires sole support - but why?

Laminitis itself is a detrimental condition causing our horses extreme discomfort, lameness and in some cases, extreme pain. The condition results in the sensitive laminae of the foot weakening and becoming inflamed, and in some cases, this laminae tissue can actually tear which results in the rotation or drop of the pedal bone.

Laminitis can occur for many reasons, including the use of steroids, stress, hormone imbalances, mechanical trauma or toxaemia, but it is often thought to be caused by obesity and the ingestion of grass which is highly rich in sugar and starch. When this ingestion of lush pasture is combined with a lack of exercise, it can prove a recipe for disaster for our horses.

As these cases require sole support, the common advice to stable the animal on a thick bed of shavings – however, this support is often better achieved by removing the shoes, if the horse is not currently barefooted, and using a barefoot hoof boot with shock absorbing comfort pad inside. A soft density, 12mm pad in a hoof boot allows the horse to benefit from controlled exercise once the hoof has stabilised, while the increased circulation aids healing.

When used within hoof boots for horses without shoes, comfort pads have been proven to stimulate the hoof to remove waste and heal much quicker than if the horse is shod. American farrier Pete Ramey, a lameness rehabilitation expert, says using hoof boots are “by far the most effective means of maximising both current protection and healing mechanics [of laminitis] that I can imagine. Hoof boots and pads provide perfect “new growth mechanics” while at the same time offering protection. They can make almost all foundered hooves ready to exercise as soon as the diet is stabilised well enough to bring the horse out of the acute phase, regardless of the amount of rotation or vertical displacement

Removing the shoes of a laminitis-prone horse takes the pressure off the laminar attachments within the hooves, helping the horse rehabilitate. Providing boots offers comfort and protection to the sensitive feet while veterinary medicine or laminitis management techniques are being administered. As the laminae heal, the horse is able to stimulate blood flow through turn out, and regain soundness without the impingement of metal shoes.

Product focus - the RX boot

The Easyboot RX is the ideal therapy boot for horses that need relief from chronic lameness, laminitis, navicular and numerous other lower limb or hoof disorders. it is also an excellent boot for equines that find it difficult to stand on hard surfaces for extended periods of time. the rx is also ideal to lessen fatigue and add protection during transport in a lorry or trailer. available in 8 sizes (00-7). sold individually.

  • Lightweight sole - no sharp seams or edges
  • Three air vents provide air circulation to keep the hoof cool
  • Three air vents provide air circulation to keep the hoof cool

Tips to avoid laminitis-

  • Avoid excessive turnout when your pasture is particularly lush - harmful fructan levels in the grass are at their highest after a cool night and sunshine in the morning.
  • Try soaking your hay. This considerably reduces the starch and sugar content.
  • Horses that undertake regular exercise are at much less risk of suffering from laminitis - maintain exercise and movement.
  • Maintain a high fibre diet with targeted hoof-health ingredients. (See our section entitled “Diet and exercise for barefoot horses”).

Importantly, if you suspect your equine may be developing or suffering from laminitis, always contact your veterinarian for treatment and advice.


Avoid excessive turnout when your pasture is particularly lush


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